Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I miss....

There were those days when I would wake up and I didn't want to get out of bed...Then there were those days when I had a feeling something good was going to happen....It was fairly simple. I would drive to work, check my emails, do photo requests, and finally in the afternoon when I had a moment to breath, I would go scouting for feature photos. I would talk to everyone I came across about what was going on. Who they were, what they were up to that day, what was going on in their neighborhood...anything to get some ideas flowing. Most of the time it didn't do a heap of good photo wise, but I found a few hidden gems in there. The elderly lady doing the triathlon, the lady rescuing injured animals at her home, the person scribbling stick figures having sex in all the local parks (that one never made it to print! :p ), the kids playing in the giant sprinkler systems on campus, kids doing drugs in the woods near a park (never made it to print either), the 4am swimmers in the local creek, the 5th grader who had signed with a college to be a kicker on the football team and even the spotting of bald eagles nesting at the lake down the road from the office. The list could go on and on.

Me taking a break from eagle hunting....

The tips didn't always lead to the greatest of photos and some of them didn't even make it to print...but that is all beside the point. I miss doing that. I miss being on staff somewhere, wishing I was at home instead of taking pictures all day. :) I wish I was hitting the road again, talking to strangers just for the hell of it. Trying to find a slice of life and capture it as it happens in front of me. As stupid as it may sound, I need to get back on that horse again. This bug won't stop itching.

I miss hitting the streets, taking photographs of ordinary things...People collecting money for Children's Miracle Network, for instance. This girl, along with a small handful of other volunteers, raised several thousand dollars for CMN in a few days by simply having people "fill the boot"

more to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, babe Im sorry. :( Something will come up some day, and in the meantime youre getting a lot of kickass freelance work for a MEGA newspaper. Dont be TOO sad! Find a photo job in Colorado, and I'll move there with you in a heartbeat. :)